Tablones cerámicos Celima para tus pisos este verano

Una nueva temporada de verano empieza, y con ella los días de sol, relax y planificar como pasar más tiempo juntos en familia. Si bien es una de las estaciones más esperadas, el calor es un factor a tomar en cuenta en temas de vestuario y los espacios en nuestro hogar. Necesitamos de ambientes frescos y que nos den sensación de amplitud. Para ello, los tablones cerámicos para los pisos de nuestra casa son una excelente opción.

Durante el verano es ideal que los pisos de nuestra sala, cocina, habitaciones y demás lugares en el hogar nos generen sensaciones de espacios amplios y frescos. Y para este motivo, los tablones cerámicos de Celima son ideales, por su gama de colores que asemeja a la madera y con bellos tonos que harán conectar nuestros espacios con la naturaleza. Pisos en casa con una vista sofisticada y elegante.

Los tablones cerámicos Celima, por su gran calidad y su tecnología de impresión digital, logran igualar los colores naturales que tanto deseamos para nuestra casa, esto sin las complicaciones de la madera. Los tablones son resistentes a humedad, al alto tráfico, no absorben olores, además de cuidar los árboles, protegiendo así la naturaleza. A continuación, te presentamos 2 propuestas de tablones para tu hogar:

Tablón Olmo II Blanco 19 x 118

Porcelánico estructurado esmaltado rectificado madera tablón Olmo II Blanco Mate. Pisos con tonos suaves y claros, que les brindarán a tus espacios esa sensación refrescante y de amplitud que tanto estabas buscando. Este verano disfruta de las esperadas vacaciones, rodeado de un agradable entorno.

Funcionalidad, sencillez y frescura son algunas de las condiciones que nuestros tablones brindarán a los pisos de tu casa esta temporada. Junto con una decoración en tonos claros y apariencia de madera lograrás aumentar la luminosidad a tu entorno. Calidad, resistencia y versatilidad en todos los ambientes de tu hogar para estos días de sol que ya están presentes.

Tablón Alamo II Perla 19 x 118

Porcelánico estructurado esmaltado rectificado madera tablón Alamo II Perla. Diseño en tonos claros para tus pisos este verano, pero sin sacrificar la calidez y naturalidad que necesitas en tu hogar. Ambientes de verano frescos y sensación de amplitud en sala, cocina, comedor, terraza o dormitorios para un gran tiempo a solas o en familia.

Nuestros tablones te ayudarán a disfrutar de esta temporada de sol en casa con espacios más amplios y luminosos, donde el movimiento para desplazarse sea fluido, logrando estar a gusto y disfrutar de una buena lectura o escuchar nuestra música favorita. ¡Que los días de sol sean nuestra mejor compañía en el hogar!

¿Qué tal estas opciones? Celima te ofrece variedad de colores en sus tablones cerámicos para dar un look espectacular a tu hogar en este verano 2022. Para conocer más visítanos en todos nuestros distribuidores y en nuestra web

Cuando tu casa se convierte en una obra de arte.

Nuevos tamaños y diseños en nuestros Decocerámicos para cocina y baño.

Desde hace ya un tiempo, hemos estado en nuestros hogares más de lo que alguna vez imaginamos estar. Quizá, nos hemos acostumbrado al “look” que nuestra cocina o baño traen desde hace muchos años, pero es tiempo de cambiar y, sobre todo, de transformar.

Ahora, les traemos una colección de Decocerámicos en un nuevo tamaño, esto con la finalidad de no solo decorar tus ambientes, sino también para que puedas disfrutarlos cada vez que estés en ellos.

El tamaño es de 25 x 40 en insertos y de 6 x 39.5 en los listelos.

Cada diseño fue cuidadosamente seleccionado para transmitir una sensación única, son modernos, creativos e inspiradores, vas a disfrutar cada detalle.

Destacan los de Capullo Turquesa y Rosado, la Acuarela Selva Verde, Spa Aguamarina, Rash Beige y Gris, Lauren y por último Lauren. Estos diseños transformarán tu bañopor completo, dándoles un toque refrescante.

Para the kitchen tenemos los diseños Bélica Rojo, Oriana Gris y Moka Beige. Para hacer magia en la cocina necesitarás la mejor inspiración y con estos nuevos diseños, la tendrás.

Descubre más sobre nuestros acabados y productos ingresando aquí: link

Lavatorios de baño Priano y Luna: estilo y funcionalidad

A pesar de lo que tal vez muchos piensan, el baño es uno de los espacios más importantes en la casa debido al tiempo que pasamos en él, su función como lugar de aseo, además de ser usualmente un espacio compartido con los demás miembros del hogar. Por ello es vital sentirnos a gusto con el diseño, los colores, ducha, inodoro y por supuesto el lavatorio.

Los bowls o lavatorios de baño son de suma importancia al ser en ellos donde ejercemos la limpieza de nuestras manos y rostro al empezar la mañana, durante el día, o como último paso antes ir a dormir a nuestro dormitorio. Los puedes encontrar en varios colores y diseños. Hoy en Celima Trebol queremos mostrarte 2 modernas propuestas de lavatorios ideales para tu hogar: el bowl Priano y Luna.

Lavatorio Priano 2.0

Si lo que buscas es un bowl de baño con estilo, de estructura robusta y funcional, este modelo es para ti. El Priano 2.0 es un lavatorio de sobre poner, diseñado de forma circular, fuerte pero de diseño innovador y elegante a la vez. Hecho con cerámica vetrificada por proceso de horno de alta temperatura. Con esmalte de alta resistencia y larga vida.

Su diseño permite mayor facilidad en la limpieza de sus paredes. El Priano 2.0 cumple con las normas de calidad más exigentes del mercado. Su diseño permite utilizar griferías exterior de monocomando, de cuerpo alto, al mueble o a la pared. Sin dudas un lavatorio muy versatil, fuerte y funcional, que le darán un estilo sobrio, elegante y moderno a tu baño.

Lavatorio Luna 2.0

Si los espacios de tu baño no son tan grandes, pero no por ello quieres sacrificar modernidad y estilo, este modelo de bowl es lo tuyo. El Luna 2.0 es un lavatorio de sobre poner, de diseño esférico minimalista y de paredes estilizadas. Tiene un consumo de solo 5.7 litros y su diseño permite la limpieza de sus paredes de forma práctica y rápida.

Al igual que el Priano 2.0, el bowl Luna 2.0 está fabricado con cerámica vetrificada por proceso de horno de alta temperatura, además de esmalte de alta resistencia y larga vida. ¡Alta duración en tu hogar! Su forma tipo tazón dan un mayor control al agua de la grifería, sin quitar espacio. Un modelo práctico, que hará de tu cuarto de baño un espacio moderno e innovador en casa.

¡Ya lo sabes! Entra ahora a o visita nuestros puntos de venta para conocer más de estas y más opciones de lavaderos para tu hogar. Compleméntalos con nuestra línea de sanitarios y griferías Trebol, con más de 60 años de experiencia acompañando el crecimiento de las familias peruanas.

Trebol Smart 2.0 and Top Piece toilets: your best option

We are all looking to give the spaces at home a great style and functional design at the same time. We want our living room, kitchen or bedroom to be modern, comfortable and practical. As well as these spaces, a place where we spend a lot of time in our lives is undoubtedly the bathroom. And definitely in this area the most important sanitary piece that sets the style is the toilet.

If you are thinking of buying a toilet for the first time for your new home or renovate the one you already have at home, in Celima Trebol we want to be your first choice. That's why we want to recommend 2 excellent options that will provide you with design, savings and functionality: the Trebol Smart 2.0 and the Top Piece toilets..

Trebol Smart 2.0

A high efficiency toilet for your home. The Trebol Smart 2.0 is made of the highest quality vitrified earthenware, with a modern, curved design that bring back classic models and fuses aesthetics with functionality. Its versatile design, with continuous lines and round rim, fits well in any space. It has a low height tank and built-in push button.

One of the main features of the Trebol Smart 2.0 is its efficient water management. It has an average flush time of 3 to 4 seconds, compared to other toilets that flush in 6 to 7 seconds. With its unique push button , it flushes only 4.8 liters of water on average per flush, which in sum reflects a significant savings in the water bill.

This type of toilet is eco-efficient, due to its low amount of water used per flush, allowing the saving and care of the vital liquid. In addition, it comes with hinged seat with slow and silent fall, for greater comfort and durability. It includes anchor bolts and wax ring, unlike other brands that do not.

Trebol Top Piece

Design and high efficiency in your home bathroom. Only 4.8 liters of water per flush on average, with double push button system for solids and liquids. The Trebol Top Piece toilet has an American design with straight and stylized lines that give it greater continuity. Made with ceramic vetrified by high temperature process, with high resistance and long life enamel.

At home, a toilet can consume up to 30% of the total water. Toilets older than 10 years use up to 18 liters of water per flush. With the Trebol Top Piece toilet, you can have significant savings, since with its double push button you can have a solid flush of 6.0 liters and a liquid flush of only 4.0 liters. Savings for your home!

Remember that all Celima Trebol toilets have a 5-year warranty on accessories and a lifetime warranty on tiles against any manufacturing defect. Our toilets are high quality, and meet the highest international quality standards. More than 60 years of experience are reflected in the strength, durability and excellent finish of our products, try it for yourself!

The perfect alternative for lovers of wood finishes

Choosing which floor to decorate your home with is one of the most important factors in expressing your own style. This crucial decision can help you imagine how all those who will use -or visit- the new room will feel, as well as how it will combine with the other home spaces. It will even be used as a reference to select the walls and furniture that best match it.

Currently, wood-colored porcelain stoneware planks are the most preferred for floors. In fact, these tones give the feeling of being in contact with nature, but also make any room look warmer and more spacious. Porcelain tiles are the best option to achieve this wood finish, since thanks to their digital printing technology, they have colors and textures similar to wood.

However, these are not its only benefits:

  1. Contribute to the preservation of the environment
    Porcelain stoneware planks can be considered as a good alternative to improve the quality of the environment because you won't need to cut down a single tree to make your space look spectacular.
  2. Savings on maintenance
    A traditional wood floor requires constant maintenance. With porcelain stoneware planks you can forget about this, as you can apply your regular cleaning routine to them, saving time and money on cleaning products.
  3. High durability
    The porcelain stoneware planks are printed with high digital technology. This avoids the deterioration of the colors of the pieces, cracking, scratches and other signs of wear.
  4. No moisture or odor absorption
    Have you ever noticed how wood warps when is exposed to water or moisture, or have you noticed an unpleasant odor emanating from wood floors? This happens when water seeps through a porous material. And in the case of porcelain stoneware planks this will not happen as its water absorption level is minimal. In short, it is a very convenient and resistant material.

Things to keep in mind after COVID-19 confinement

A new quarantine is coming to an end in our country, and with it there is now a greater movement of people in families that go out either for work, studies, procedures, etc. However, the virus and the possibility of contagion is more latent than ever and we cannot lower our guard when leaving home.

At Celima, we care about your health, and here are 4 very important points to take care of your family's health at home.

Personal care
Don't touch your face. Always wear a face mask when you leave the house and a face shield if you use public transportation. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

Remember to keep your distance. A distance of at least 1 meter from people outside your home is recommended.

When coughing or sneezing, do not cover yourself with your hands. Cover your mouth and nose using the inside of your elbow or a tissue.

Check your health every day. Pay attention to any symptoms of COVID-19 that you or another family member may have. Seek prompt medical attention and do not leave home if you have any symptoms.

Wash your hands frequently. Do it properly with soap and water for at least 20 to 30 seconds. This will be our best defense.

Clean Clothes
Although it is not known how long the virus survives in fabrics, many clothes may have plastic or metal where it could stay alive for hours or even several days. When entering the house, it is advisable to remove shoes and change clothes for clean clothes.

Wash your clothes. Avoid shaking dirty clothes, wash them with soap or detergent and hot water. It is recommended to wash sheets, towels and clothes regularly.

Food handling
Packaged products. Remove unnecessary containers and dispose of them in a trash can with a lid. Clean canned goods with a disinfectant before opening or storing them in the pantry.

Hand washing. Wash hands with soap and water before preparing food and then before eating food. Make sure your family does it. Always use clean utensils, plates and glasses.

Pay attention to the type of food. Use different cutting boards to prepare raw meat and fish. Keep perishable products refrigerated or frozen. Pay attention to the respective expiration dates of packaged foods.

Home Hygiene
Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces. Follow the instructions on cleaning products to obtain good results. Use gloves when applying them and provide good ventilation.

If a surface is dirty, it should be cleaned with soap or detergent and water. Then use a disinfectant product containing alcohol (approximately 70%) or bleach.

Every home is different, but there are types of surfaces that are touched with great frequency: chairs, tables, door handles, light switches, cell phones, computer keyboards, remote controls, kitchen surfaces, bathrooms, faucets and of course floors.

The ceramic and porcelain tile floors of Celima, are easy to clean and disinfect, in addition to great durability and super modern designs that will highlight the spaces of your home.

Enter the website of Celima, and get to know all the products we have to make your home the best place for your family. Enter now:

Celima presents its "Professional Installer" program

In times where getting a work is getting harder and the competition is growing every day, it is necessary to take new courses constantly and keep up to date with the latest trends in our field. However, the current pandemic situation in our country and the world makes it very complicated to continue learning in person. That is why Celima - Trebol Group has successfully developed its "Professional Installer" program.

What is "Professional Installer" and how does it work?
It is a professional training program whose objective is to train, educate and professionalize the work of all people working in the construction industry, on issues related to the installation of ceramic tile, toilets, faucets and more.

The trainings are totally free, elaborated by the Training Area of the Celima-Trebol Group and verified with all the areas involved in the elaboration, manufacture and quality of the products that are commercialized. This is a team with more than 30 years of experience in masonry, porcelain tile installation and commercial consulting.

The "Professional Installer" program comes hand in hand with a renewed web platform, in which the different online trainings will be available and in an orderly manner. Likewise, the evaluations with which you can be officially certified in the different areas available will be enabled. All you have to do is click on the "I want to get certified" button, available on the page of each training. If you answer 80% of the questions correctly, you will receive your certificate via e-mail.

In addition, "Professional Installer" has a Facebook page where you will find all the live trainings, announcements of new events, tips and information of interest that will help you continue to grow and develop in your field. Go to:

So you know now! If you want to specialize, learn with the experts! Enter now and register at to start enjoying the benefits that the professional training program of Celima - Trebol Group offers you. And remember that the training and certificates are totally free.

Color trends for this 2021

The colors are very important in our lifes as they are associated with different moods, values, as well as sensations and meanings. For our home, colors are fundamental since they are key pieces to create the atmosphere and ambiance we want in our rooms.

For this year, Pantone has unveiled the two colors that will be the main protagonists of 2021: Illuminating and Ultimate Grey. Gone is Classic Blue, a color blue that sought to convey calm in a year 2020 so complicated for the world. Now the company proposes these two shades with which it seeks to send a positive message after a year and present marked by the Covid-19 pandemic.

So, yellow and gray are the colors that this year will seek to highlight. Leatrice Eisdeman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, comments: "The union of these colors expresses a message of positivity combined with strength. This color mix , practical and solid, yet at the same time warm and optimistic, offers us resilience and hope. We need to feel encouraged and comforted; it is essential for the human soul."

But what is Pantone? It is an American company that was founded in 1962 as a business selling color cards for cosmetics. In 1963, they created the first international color identification system: Pantone Matching System (PMS). This system uses a palette of colors to identify shades by means of a certain code. In this way, a unique and exact color can be produced as often as desired.

Pantone, in a press release, describes these 2021 trend colors . Illuminating Yellow (Pantone 13-0647) is a warm, bright and cheerful tone that generates vivacity and effervescence; on the other hand, Ultimate Grey (Pantone 17-5104) is a symbol of solid and reliable elements, being the color of rocks and beach stones.

As we can see, this choice and combination of colors for 2021 convey a message of strength and hope. Applied to the design of our spaces at home, it perfectly encapsulates that feeling of comfort, which seeks to convey to people tranquility and optimism.

At Celima, we have a series of products that adapt perfectly to the trends in design and color for this year 2021.

We present you "Make it easy with Celima Trebol"

A few days ago, we released our section "Make It Easy with Celima Trebol", a space where you can learn all about our company and its products.

In its more than 50 years of history, the Celima Trebol Group aims to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of Peruvian families, offering ceramic tiles, sanitary ware and faucets of the highest quality. You already know our company, but do you know how to get the most out of our products? Do you know about our technology, facilities and latest releases? So that you know much more about us, we present "Make It Easy with Celima Trebol".

Our program "Make It Easy with Celima Trebol" is a digital space where, through our social media and Youtube channel, you could find important content about the world of Celima Trebol. You will learn about our new products and also get some tips for a better use. Moreover, you will be able to visit our facilities, as well as interview our executives, trainers and experts, who make you become more familiar with our brands.

"Make It Easy with Celima Trebol" is a program made with a lot of passion to show you how to get the most out of our products and to introduce our strategic partners located nationwide: our distributors. We will also have episodes where our experts will show you our production processes so that you can get to know our facilities and witness the quality and technology we use. We are always committed to society and the environment of our country.

You can find now our Facebook and Instagram profiles, website and Youtube channel. The first program "Make It Easy with Celima Trebol"We will show you up close our Trebol factory and all the processes and technology involved in order to offer you products with the highest international quality standards that you already know. What are you waiting for? Click here and enjoy our first episode.

Taking a shower is a refreshing experience

When we have a hard, exhausting day, when we go out to play sports, complete a gym workout, return home after a run or simply when we want to be alone, taking a shower is practically a mandatory decision. It is a necessity, but it is also a moment of relaxation and reawakening.

Now, if the time to take a shower is so important, what do we need so that it not only fulfills its function of cleaning us but also makes us feel as good as new?

There exists many types of showerheads
Some prefer rainfall shower heads, with wide area of water fall. Other prefer to fill the tub, get in and relax for a while. Others, on the other hand, need to make the best use of their time and relax to the maximum, so they opt for a shower with hydromassage columns.

And what about those who not only want to feel refreshed, but also want to refresh their space? For example, their bathroom? One of the benefits of having many alternatives for showers or tubs are not only the versatility we find in its functionality, but also when choosing their designs. Chrome finishes, mixers, or if we are looking for practicality without losing style, single lever mixers are an excellent alternative.

Making our shower time a pleasant experience goes beyond just going in to wash up, it is to understand that we deserve to come out renewed, to feel the gratification of having the best just for us.

Now that you know what you deserve for a good shower . Do you want to know our products for your bathroom? Start living a new experience by entering here.