Renovate your home with our Celima tips

When we have a large house or apartment, sometimes we are not able to maintain it as well as we would like. However, there are many advantages. You can enjoy more space at home and the price of your property may rise when you decide to sell it.

But, what happens when children leave home or a relative decides to not longer live with you? Well, that room is free now, so there is the typical space that is used as a closet or a warehouse to store the things we don't use anymore. Have you ever thought that renting that room could be an important source of income for you and your family?

Housing market in our country keeps growing and more and more independent people or young couples are looking for a place to live without having to buy one. That free room can become a relevant income for your home, invest in it and get it ready to rent. Make it profitable!

In the following Celima-Trebol articles, we will provide you with all the necessary info so that you can take advantage of your free rooms to rent them and¿that the investment you make helps you to get that extra income you need. In these difficult times, we value the most important thing in life: having our loved ones close to us. Although the mandatory quarantine was lifted a few weeks ago, all recommendations are aimed at maintaining, as much as possible, home confinement. Hence the need to make the spaces in the home the best for our family.

Celima gives you 5 important tips to renovate the interior of your house or apartment and create beautiful spaces at home:

Change the arrangement of your furniture

A quick way to avoid boredom and monotony at home is to rearrange your rooms. Start moving your furniture around until you find the position you like best. You will realize how a piece of furniture can improve the layout of your home.

Check the cabinets and drawers

It is very likely that you find things in your drawers that you no longer use or even expired food in your kitchen cabinets. Right? Well, maybe it's time to clean them thoroughly and throw out what is no longer useful. You will see how you will free up more space than you thought by keeping unnecessary things. Throw them away or if you still think they are useful, gather them to give them as gifts, you will feel better.

Customize your furniture and other decorative elements

Give it your own style! Customize your shelves, tables, headboards, lamps and more. This activity can be fun and ideal to share a moment with your partner or your kids. Just to do it!

If you work at home, look for your perfect space

We know that the sofa or the bed can be really comfortable to work, but after several days, you will appreciate having a desk ready to use. Create your own space, find a room or corner with natural lighting and enough space for your computer, laptop or tablet and the documents you need.

Transform your living room into the best ever

The living room is the meeting point where family members share pleasant moments. To remodel this space we recommend the use of porcelain tiles. With its designs and different formats, porcelain tiles will help you reflect your own style, in addition to giving your living room that feeling of spaciousness that you are always looking for. Another important feature of porcelain tiles is that they do not stain easily and are very easy to clean. Also, they are beneficial to your health, as they prevent the proliferation of bacteria and are hypoallergenic, since they prevent dust mites from adhering to the surface.

Now that you know these tips, we recommend you to put them into practice and you will see how you can turn your home into the ideal space for you and your family.

Monetize empty spaces for rent

When we have a large house or apartment, sometimes we are not able to maintain it as well as we would like. However, there are many advantages. You can enjoy more space at home and the price of your property may rise when you decide to sell it.

But, what happens when children leave home or a relative decides to not longer live with you? Well, that room is free now, so there is the typical space that is used as a closet or a warehouse to store the things we don't use anymore. Have you ever thought that renting that room could be an important source of income for you and your family?

Housing market in our country keeps growing and more and more independent people or young couples are looking for a place to live without having to buy one. That free room can become a relevant income for your home, invest in it and get it ready to rent. Make it profitable!

In the following articles of Celima-Trebol, we will provide you with all the necessary information so you can take advantage of your free spaces at home to rent and that the investment you make helps you to get that extra income you need.

My ideal yard or terrace. What do I need to know?

En el artículo anterior te ofrecimos algunos tips para realizar un buen “home office” en tu hogar. Uno de nuestros consejos propone salir del espacio típico de trabajo y experimentar usando nuestro yard or terrace, ya que este pequeño cambio nos ayudará a darnos un respiro por el contacto con el sol y aire fresco o vista exterior.

Hoy las personas dedican cada vez más esfuerzos en decorate these spaces para dejarlos a su gusto, lo que permite sacarle un mayor partido y poder disfrutar de ellos. Pero ¿qué debo de tener en cuenta para tener un buen patio o terraza? ¿Podemos utilizar cualquier tipo de piso en estos espacios? Todo lo que necesitas saber te lo presentamos a continuación:

Furniture for times to relax

In any terraza o patio exterior es importante contar con un espacio dedicado al descanso. Lo que debemos buscar es que esta área proporcione todo el confort necesario para poder relajarnos, ya sea en compañía o solos. Aquí debe ser el lugar donde podamos olvidar nuestros problemas o tensiones que solemos arrastrar de todo el día.

To create this relaxing space, we can use furniture made of different materials, each of them with characteristics that differentiate them from the rest. Here we detail four types:

  • Material plástico. Si bien son los de mejor precio, pueden ser también los menos estéticos. Además, otro punto negativo es que no suelen ser todo lo confortable que uno podría esperar.
  • Mimbre. Este material brinda un toque más clásico al mueble, pero también requiere una mayor atención al momento de cuidarlos.
  • Materiales sintéticos. Suelen ofrecer un aspecto muy similar al mimbre sin embargo no tienen nada que ver con este material. Un ejemplo es el rattan sintético, que ofrece versatilidad, estética y resistencia.
  • Hierro o acero. De seguro son la opción más duradera, pero también suele ser la más costosa.

Another option is that you can create your own furniture, with large wooden drawers and recycled materials. It all depends on your time, budget and style.

Light at all times

Having a nice yard or terrace no servirá totalmente si no lo podemos utilizar cuando el sol se oculta. Por ello la importancia de contar con una adecuada iluminación. Puedes optar por lámparas de techo si tienes alguna zona cerrada, o también extender pequeñas bombillas LED por las diferentes plantas que lucen en todo tu espacio de relax.

The ideal floor

Remember that your yard or terrace, having contact with the outside, is exposed to different climatic variants such as sun, rain or drizzle. That is why you need a durable floor that is resistant to humidity and filtration. We recommend our glazed porcelain tiles in cement, stone and outdoor varieties. Innovative and modern designs, manufactured with state-of-the-art technology and export quality, that will offer your floors warmth and the highest durability for your relaxing space at home.

Would you like to know all the floor models we have for your yard or terrace? Find in Celima - Trebol the largest variety of porcelain tiles ideal for that ideal space for you. Enter here

Tips for a good "Home Office"

The current situation and the mandatory confinement of a few weeks ago gave a "new normal" to our lives. Today it is pretty common what until a few years ago seemed very difficult to happen in our country, the so-called "home office". 

Working at home was implemented by many people and companies during the mandatory quarantine period with favorable results, such as reduced office costs and increased employee productivity. For this reason, different companies have opted to continue with this model. 

Although workers value very much not leaving home during these complicated moments, the "Home Office" requires certain characteristics to develop it in the best way. Next, Celima - Trebol gives you important tips to do it:

Create your own work space

Find a space where you can do your work. If it can't be a room, just set up a place that allows you to work. Keep it clean and equip it with everything you need on a daily basis: a comfortable chair, a functional desk, office supplies, powerful wifi, water, snacks, etc.

Set schedules

Being at home can be tempting to stay in bed longer or watch a bit of your favorite series during work hours. But if we want to be more productive, it is important to respect a routine: always get up at the same time, get ready as if you were going to the office (take a shower, change your clothes, have breakfast) and clock in, even if that means just turning on our computer.


Avoid distractions. Close social networks, except for those that are useful for work. If possible, leave your cellphone out of reach and keep only the tabs you need open on the computer.

Let your family know that you are not available

It is important to make it clear what your work schedule is and that this "Home Office" is the same as if you were in your work place. They should understand that you are not on vacation and not available to solve problems, do shopping, etc.

You can change the place where you work

Maybe being in the same room for a long time can cause mood problems, so we advise you to take advantage of the day and move from your workspace to the sofa at home, to the yard or terrace. Experiment everywhere in the house looking for the best place!

Give yourself some small reward

When you do a good job, look for rewards. For example, treat yourself to a coffee, a chocolate or even buy something you've wanted for a long time.

Think Positive

With the current pandemic situation, it is easy for our minds to be filled with pessimistic or anxiety-generating ideas. We recommend that you limit the news you get intelligently; you should not spend the day listening to threatening comments and casualty counts. Regulate the information you receive.

Put an end to your workday

When you're at home, you're likely to end up extending your work hours just because you already have your computer open. From solving some small problem or answering an email, there will always be something to do, but you must learn to separate what is urgent from what is not. Disconnect! Time for yourself or your family is also important. Discipline is of utmost importance to start the work day, but it is also important to finish it.

Interesting, isn't it? Put these useful tips into practice and you will see how your work will improve and become more productive, without sacrificing comfort and time for your family.

Bring life to your kitchen with decoceramics

By definition, the kitchen is the place in the house specially designed for cooking. Many decades ago the kitchen was an unimportant space, but then it became the room in the home where all family members gathered to eat, talk, and began to forge the common concept of considering it "the heart of the house".

Today, we enjoy our kitchen more than ever,, becoming one of the most visited places, which nourishes us physically and emotionally. We want our kitchen to be a warm, cozy and functional place, but many times we feel that it lacks something more. Here the finishes play a fundamental role.

In addition to porcelain and ceramic tiles of great quality and elegance, Celima offers you its decoceramic line, with different decorated tiles for use in bathrooms and kitchens. These decorative pieces will give the "heart of the house" that fresh and warm touch you are looking for, with realistic and trendy designs. Ideal to decorate and enhance the finish of your kitchen, making it unique. Undoubtedly an excellent choice.

The Celima decorated tiles (measuring 6 x 39.5 cm and 25 x 40 cm) for kitchen are made of granite, with transparent high relief effect, crystal gloss and mirror effect. Different models with super realistic images, offering a decoration with a variety of applications, wide range of designs and colors.

Get ready for it and give more life to your kitchen with Celima deco ceramic tiles. Enter now and see the wide variety of models we have for you:

Why choose Trebol sanitary ware and faucets for your bathroom?

One of the most important rooms in your home is definitely the bathroom. In addition to using it for personal hygiene, the best thing to do is to see this place as a relaxing corner, a perfect space to recharge us with positive energy and vitality. That is why it is important to use high quality, durable products, with a design and decoration according to the atmosphere we want to create.

And if we think about toilets and faucets, we must contact experts. For more than 63 years, the consortium formed by Cerámica Lima S.A. CELIMA and Corporación Cerámica S.A. TREBOL has been commercializing the highest quality finishes, using advanced technology and following strict international production standards.

Here are 4 key reasons why you should choose to use Trebol toilets and faucets in your home or business projects:

Quality assurance

The Trebol products superan exigentes estándares de calidad en 4 aspectos:

  • - Functionality: Trebol guarantees the correct functioning of toilets and faucets, as well as its high efficiency in water consumption.
  • - Installation: The products are easy for masters to install, thus avoiding setbacks and cost overruns due to structural modifications.
  • - Dimensions: Trebol products meet the most demanding international ergonomic standards.
  • – Aesthetics: Guarantee in toilets and faucets that do not show visible defects such as cracks, deformations or color variations.

An eco-friendly brand

Since 2013, our dual system toilets and timed faucets offer eco-efficient performance, seeking to control and reduce water consumption considerably, for the benefit of the planet and user savings.

Water-saving products

The Trebol timed faucet consumes only 8.3 to 9.5 liters of water per minute, while a traditional faucet consumes between 15 and 20 liters per minute. Trebol faucets reduce water consumption by almost 54%. On the other hand, Trebol toilets consume only between 4 to 6 liters per flush, while a traditional toilet uses between 12 to 15 liters per flush. Therefore, a Trebol toilet reduces water consumption by almost 70%.  

Trebol Guarantee

The importance of having the support of an experienced and consolidated brand over the years. Trebol offers you a guarantee on toilets without a time limit for manufacturing defects in porcelain, and 5 years warranty on seats and accessories. While, in its faucets, unlimited warranty against manufacturing defects and 5 years warranty on the locking system. 

As you already know, when it's time to choose the materials for your bathroom, Trebol sanitary ware and faucets cannot be missing in your project. 

Stay cool at home this summer

These first weeks of the year are synonym with vacations for the children, the beach, little trips for fun or just a break at home. Summer is here, and with it also the heat and stifling sensation, even more so if there is no air conditioning system in your home.

In these summer days, home is too hot and uncomfortable to rest or do some activities in it. In these times where it is better to stay at home, Celima – Trebol bring you these practical tips to keep your home cool easily:

Make the most of low temperature hours

Cool your home ventilating it during the night or in the early morning hours, when the outside temperature is lower. When the sun goes down and the breeze comes up, it is the perfect time to open windows and let the accumulated heat be replaced by fresh air.

Get your home ready for summer

When the seasons change, we don't dress the same. So, why can't the same thing happen with our home? Summer is the time when we have to replace elements and materials of our decoration for other cooler ones. It is the time to put away thick carpets and curtains, to change them for cooler materials and lighter tones. This simple change will make the house feel fresher. Also in bed sheets, replacing thick fabrics for lighter ones such as linen.

Cook preferably in the morning

The best time to cook during the summer is in the morning. Avoid using the oven and fire so often, so the temperature of the house will not increase. Try cooking cold dishes such as salads, cold creams and other recipes that can be kept in the refrigerator. Stay hydrated.

Let plants be your allies

Having plants in our home will make them absorb heat, making the house somewhat cooler. For example, a vine on the balcony will protect the wall from the sun's rays; while, indoors, a fern will help purify the air and maintain a more uniform temperature in our home.

Turn off appliances you don't use

Avoid leaving appliances on or idle during the day, as they generate heat. Televisions and computers connected and running increase the temperature and generate unnecessary energy waste. Unplug them if you do not use them, your home will thank you for it.

Refresh your Celima floors

If you have ceramic tile floors and you are looking for that feeling of freshness, scrub the floors of your terrace, balconies and bedrooms in the morning with cold water. You will realize that it is an effective method to lower the temperature at home..

This summer, get ready to counteract the heat in your home with these practical tips we have shown you. 

Find out how to take care of your pet

Summer is a season we look forward to because of its different charms and because it is often synonym with vacations and rest. However, it also bring us many hot hours that make it a complicated time for many people and even more for our pets. The reason is simple: animals do not regulate their temperature as we do.

As it happens with people, dogs and cats can't handle high temperatures. For this reason, thinking about the darlings of the house, Celima - Trebol offers you some recommendations to take care of our pets this summer::

Water should always be available

It doesn't matter if they don't drink all of it. Add an extra container to the one they are used to. Drinking water is an important measure to counteract the heat. It is important that the liquid is always clean and fresh. Change the water every day to prevent mosquitoes from proliferating. When you go for a walk with your dog, it is a good idea to carry a bottle of water with you, and you can pour it into your own hand to make it easier for your dog to drink. When you go for a walk with your dog, it is a good idea to carry a bottle of water with you, and you can pour it into your own hand to make it easier for your dog to drink.

Don't leave your pet in your car

If you do, in a few minutes your dog can suffer a very harmful heat stroke or even cause death. Even for a moment, never leave your pet in the car and go away. If you have to do some activity, it is better to leave it at home during the hottest days.

Avoid poorly ventilated places

Just as it is not ideal to leave our pets in the car, it is also not good to leave them locked in an environment where they do not have free air. They do not perspire as we do to regulate the temperature, much less can they provide their own water.

Take your dog out when it is cooler

Think that for your pet, heat is not only uncomfortable on the skin, but it can also burn his paws if the floor is too hot. Look for the least hot hours to go for a walk: early in the morning when the sun is still mild or late in the afternoon when the sun has already gone down.

Control their weight

After cold months with less activity, it is common for them to come into the summer with a few extra pounds, and this is the ideal season to get them back to their correct weight. Make sure they are active and get all the exercise they need. Make sure their diet is balanced and adequate for their species, size and age.

Suitable surfaces at home

Our pets walk freely on the floors of our home, so choose a product that is resistant, fresh, easy to clean and does not absorb odors, such as our Celima ceramic and porcelain tiles.

So now you know! Put these important tips into practice and you will get your pet to enjoy this season of the year as well.