Months have passed, and although the COVID-19 issue has a somewhat more hopeful outlook, recommendations continue to be the maximum protection and, COVID-19 issue has a somewhat more hopeful outlook, recommendations continue to be the maximum protection and, as far as possible, stay at home is the best option. But being at home does not have to be synonymous with boredom or monotony. Quite the contrary, it is an opportunity to do activities that we never did before due to lack of time or to explore new ways of having fun as a family.
That is why Celima presents you 10 fun activities to do at home during COVID-19 confinement period and make the most of the time you can spend with your family and also alone:
1. - Cinema at home
Going to the movies is one of the activities that we miss the most during this pandemic season. However, let's try to enjoy it at home and with our family, let's make some pop corn and choose one of the many good movies or series that Netflix has to offer. Don't have Netflix? No problem, there will always be a good movie on DVD or Blu-Ray waiting to be watched for the first time or again.
2. - Family cookinh
Craving burgers or a pizza? Cookies or chocolate cake? Prepare them at home! Today you can find all the recipes on Youtube. Cook with your children or other relatives at home, cooking with others helps develop teamwork, and also builds cooking skills so that children will be responsible adults in the future.
3. - Videocalls with friends and family
Technology is today our best option to socialize with our friends and family. Don't get away from your loved ones, stay in touch with them. Organize a videoconference where you can chat and catch up with each other's lives. There are different free platforms, such as WhatsApp video call, FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, etc.
4, - Read some classics or write your own book
You have them there at home, esos libros en el estante que por falta de tiempo y ganas ni los mirabas. No lo pienses más, es hora de leerlos. Además, leer usualmente es el primer paso para escribir. Si te interesa un libro que te puede ayudar es »Memorias de un oficio», de Stephen King. No es un curso de escritura creativa, sino más bien un »coaching» literario basado mucho en el sentido común. ¡Anímate!
5.- Learn to paint or play an instrument.
Let the artistic vein flow in you. With the help of YouTube or a virtual course you can develop drawing, painting and even learn to play that instrument you've always been interested in. It's just a matter of setting your mind to it.
6. - Gym at home
But we must not only work the mind. Our body also needs activity, and for this, exercising at home is a great option. Many times we sign up to the gym and due to lack of time we abandon it, but now that we have some more time, we can't go because they are closed. Using objects at home and also the help of tutorials on Youtube or an application on the phone, we can have a personalized training plan without leaving at home.
7, - Get rid of the stuff you don't use
It's good to be optimistic, but it's time to recognize that you will never fit into those pants of 2010 again. Take advantage of the days you have at home to take the clothes from the closet that you no longer wear to sell them cheaply or donate them. This way you will also have different objects that you no longer use, such as those crutches of that day when you fell and the teenage skates that you don't need anymore. They take up space for you, but someone else can find them useful.
8. - Transform your rooms
Rearrange your furniture, re-decorate your living room, paint that yard or terrace table, find new bright paint colors for your bedroom. Get the materials and plastics to cover your furniture. And if you don't think you have the skills, let tutorials and help from family members guide you. You can do it!
9. - Make a photo album
Today we have all our photos and experiences on our cell phones, until one day we lose them. A good way to save the good moments of the ephemeral technology is to make an album like the ones from the past. Although it requires a little dedication, looking for and selecting the best photos and printing them in good quality, this activity can give us many hours of entertainment and pleasant memories at home.
10. - Have conversations
Although it sounds weird. Days without many distractions allow us to return to what is simplest: listening to those around you. Without the 'scroll' on Facebook or Instagram to distract you from the person in front of you, the conversations are more pleasant and also more reciprocal and rewarding. Do it.
Now you know, get to work and put these activities into practice. Enjoy the spaces at home to the fullest with your family or some time for yourself. See how comforting it can be.